Thomas Cook Group Plc and certain of its subsidiaries
All in Liquidation (the Companies)
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On 23 September 2019, the High Court appointed the Official Receiver as liquidator over a number of entities in the Thomas Cook group on the petition of the Companies’ directors. Simultaneously, the Court also appointed Simon Appell, Alastair Beveridge, Daniel Imison, and Ben Browne as Special Managers to support the liquidator.

The Special Managers were appointed by the High Court to help manage the affairs, business and property of the Companies, in accordance with the powers and duties contained in the order appointing them. The Special Managers act as agents of the Companies, without personal liability.

All statutory information regarding the liquidations is available here.


On 1 October 2024, the Liquidator declared and paid a first and final distribution to unsecured creditors of certain of the Thomas Cook UK liquidation entities.

Details of the entities with funds available to make a distribution and the outcome in respect of each entity can be found at Cook.

For any other Thomas Cook UK liquidation companies who have NOT declared a dividend, this means that they have no funds available for distribution to their unsecured creditors.

Creditors with accepted claims against the relevant entities will be contacted after 1 October 2024 advising them of the payment of the distribution.

Details of the calculation of the funds available for distribution are available on the Notices of Declaration of a Dividend page, and can also be found at Cook.

Payment in respect of agreed claims has been made using either direct bank transfer or cheque, as nominated by the creditor.

Where payment is made by cheque, it should be banked within 6 months of the date of the cheque.

No further distributions will be made in respect of any of the Thomas Cook UK liquidation companies and steps will be taken to conclude the winding up of the Thomas Cook UK liquidation companies in due course.

No further communications will be issued to creditors. The Claims Site, which can be found at, will remain available for 12 weeks following the payment of the distribution.


The Liquidator’s most recent report to creditors is available to view and download here.